Capes Corner
Last month I talked about how we all question our own immortality at times in life when we here of someone dieing. Coupled to this are the effects out lives have on us.
This month was quite fundamental to my life in that my youngest went off to university. My son has become quite an important part of my life and moving him into halls was both exciting and sad.
I suppose the "Empty Nest" feeling has really hit me and my wife hard recently.
Even though I have a project to complete, a script to review and book to start, I've said it before and it's my personal ethos 'family is everything'.
As you will see we now have an online version for those people struggling to view this newsletter within their chosen email software.
Will any readers please reply to and let me know if this is working. Thanks.
- Project 2017 - "If Ever"
So as I eluded to in last months newsletter my project for 2017 is based on the song "If Ever" written by my friend Neville Anthony and myself.
Here's the poster.
A little bit of information regarding this project. Back in 2003 I got together with my friend Neville Anthony and we decided to write some music to help us both. We never really thought that we would write many songs never kind 2 album's full.
"If Ever" was possibly the most popular song we wrote on the first album titled "Anthony & Cooper". It was played numerous times in local shops and internet radio stations and shows. I was even asked to do an interview regarding the music on a popular Machinima show back then.
The song is sung by my wife Paula, and she added the sound and feel to the track which made it work.
I hope to have this completed for 2017 and I'm currently putting all the pieces together. Keep up to date with the progress of it on our Facebook page.
- A Tale of Time
Sadly over the last few months this project has had to take a back seat. However even though I'm not working directly on it, it is progressing. I have sent the script out locally for a review and I'm waiting on the replies before I then send it out further.
If not by the end of this year, then early next I will begin to turn this screenplay into a book.
A new section to give you my plans for the coming month.
- Finish my project "If Ever"
- Get my local reviews of "A Tale of Time" complete
- Client work - Logo designs for banners and posters
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