Personal Life
As it's the great british summer time I have been spending some time relaxing and holidaying with my family over the last 5 weeks. With the amount of work that has come our way recently. It possibly wasn't a good idea to take time out, but I believe that getting this balance right is just as important as working hard.
Getting your work / life balance right is crucial to success and stress release.
So there have been some new updates to my website -
Mainly cosmetic but another client in my Work Section added and a couple of new images.
So the main project I have been working on this year is "A Tale of Time". This project grew out of a story I wrote at the end of 2015. However as the year has moved forward and my direction has become clearer I think that the story is good enough to be made into a book.
Yes I will need to go back and re-write my story into book format, but what's really exciting is I now have a very talented artist on board who will be illustrating it.
Natalie Ciufo Green
I'll release examples of her work in future Blog updates.
Regarding the animated version of this story, there has a bit of work done on this but not a great deal as I've been away, but I would say we are around 28% finished. Yes a very long time away from completion but these thing take time. However as I write this I can still see this being completed this year and inside the time frame I set of summer, possibly late summer.
My client work is still coming in. I have completed one project in the last 5 weeks, have another which we are currently in discussions about and a third which I should be getting to grips with in the next couple of months.
So we are very busy at the moment which is a positive and helps with my direction of where Capemedia UK is heading over the next couple of years
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Thanks again
Colin Cooper