Sunday, 24 January 2016

Out of the ashes we will rise

Hello All,

A bit of a somber title "Out of the ashes we will rise" and to think where I am today from only a matter of weeks ago.  I think that myself, my family, and a collected "we", are rising out of a period of pain.

We are all slowly starting to look forward and to see where and what 2016 brings.  Strange but every year I plan so many thing, sometimes I get them done other times I fail.  But what happened in December 2015 took me and everyone close to me by surprise.  It made me think about my own mortality, those closest to me and what was important.

But the circle of life states that life must go on.  We cannot stay still no matter how much we want to.  We cannot shut the world away and hide behind closed doors.  That's not what we want of our loved ones and surely that don't want from us.  We need to live life to the fullest.


I have decided that 2016 will be a great year for me because I'm not going to set targets or project timelines and the stress and worry when I don't meet them.  What I'm going to do is work on my projects and complete them when I finish them.

So at the end of December I had an idea based on the event in my personal life but also inspired by what I was watching over the Christmas period.  I'm not going to give away to much too early but I have made a start.

The first draft of the script is written and will just need checking before it's finalised.  The asset document has been started with the scenes, sets, characters etc.

Work has started in iClone building the models, the characters and setting the scenes.

There is a working title but for now I shall refer to it as "My 2016 Project".

Here is the first image.

I have a approached a couple of people to help me on this project and I'm looking forward to what they come up with and add to this.

The above image is very important but I'm giving nothing away now.

Stay tuned for more updates

Take Care

Colin (aka Capemedia)