Saturday, 19 December 2015

2015 in Review and Tribute

Hello All,

So after an interesting year with so many activities, new ideas and a few completed projects the year has ended on a very sad note.

Someone who has been part of my life since I was in my teens, who I respected and loved, passed away on the 7th December 2015.  The final few weeks leading up to this were very difficult for me and my family, but nothing can compare you for the overwhelming loss you feel.

R.I.P Peter Hartley

So to the review of the year:-

At the beginning of the year iClone 6 had been released at the end of 2014 and part of my work as a beta tester was to produce various images and videos to show the capabilities of the software.  I produced a showcase of this work and released it.

  • In January one of the first things that happened in 2015 was the fact Capemedia UK Ltd was to be frozen due to lack of commercial work.  It wasn't a great time then but in hindsight was a good thing in the end.
  • In March I redesigned the layout in my home studio and upgraded my hardware and software.  This had something I had needed to do for sometime to create more space in my room.

  • April 2015 we hit 500 likes on our Capemedia UK Facebook page.  That number has remained a constant throughout the year and as I type stands at 524.
If you haven't already done so, why not pay a visit and click the Like button.
  • In May Capemedia UK became 10.  Back in 2005 I had the idea to start a production company producing, videos, music, animations etc.  10 years later I was still doing it.
  • In June I released my entry for the Reallusion Game Character Animation Contest, first a WIP progress and then a final video.  Sadly I never completed what I wanted to produce due to time constraints and my day to day job.

The final entry:-

  • August 2015 saw me venture into Vlogs with me making a "Introduction and Welcome" for Capemedia UK.
  • In September 2015 Reallusion released a new addon for iClone called Character Creator and one of the first things I did was created a Bruce Lee model.  I made the choice to do the model with glasses as I couldn't quite get his eyes right.  However you decide.  On the back on this I made a tribute video.

The tribute video:-

There was also two pieces of music written for this project:-

  • Finally in November 2015 I released my final project of 2015.  Again using a model created in Character Creator.  I combined new lighting within iClone to show the difference between night and day.


So that's 2015 in review.  There will be no more projects completed this year and over the next few weeks I will need to spend time with my family as we adjust to our bereavement.

Thank you for reading, watching and supporting Capemedia UK over the last and finally I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Until 2016.

Signing off Colin Cooper