Thursday, 1 October 2015

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Hello Everyone,

As you may have noticed I'm publishing this blog update for September on the 1st October...strange...weird!!

I'll explain, during the first 2 thirds of September everything was ticking over nicely.   I had started my new VLOG at the end of August and had managed to keep things going over the first few weeks and released 2 more VLOGs


Things got a little time stretched when I wanted to release "Be Water" my tribute to Bruce Lee.  I had created the character in the newly released Character Creator from Reallusion in early September and I got stuck into writing the music and creating the film. 

Sadly my day time work came into play and arrangements for my son's 18th Birthday party delayed things and I finally released the video on the 29th September.

You can now watch this film tribute here:

Please let me know what you think in the comments on here, YouTube or Facebook.

The music from the film "Be Water" is now available to listen on Sound-cloud


So onwards into October:

I will continue my video VLOGs, I have some new ideas and hopefully something people will enjoy watching.  I will be writing new music and thinking up new creative ideas.

Please come back for more on this BLOG, follow me on Facebook, YouTube, Sound-cloud to keep up to date with everything Capemedia

Thanks for passing by.

Take Care.
