Hello All,
So it's not been a great month since my last blog update due to a few sad things happening in my personal life. Regardless of how professional or motivated I am, family is my centre and when there times of loss and sadness I am effected.
Due to this, I have made a little progress on Capemedia and nothing fundamental, I suppose my mojo has been impacted.
Very soon after the last blog update I did release a work in progress video, which I will share again here.
This very short video shows the styles and slight camera movement I'm going to use when treating the iClone footage.
As with all my projects they always become larger then I can complete within the time frames I am given. I cannot stop myself overdoing things, making scripts longer, making scenes more complicated and generally trying to reach a level I am unable to.
Maybe there is a lesson there?
For the competition I possible will only release part of this 9 page script. I'm currently bogged down trying to get one scene done and the amount of extra animation required is delaying things. My standards are far too high.
So hopefully I'll get something finished, even if it's not the completed project.
Well that's all for now.
Thanks for visiting
Colin (aka Capemedia)