Saturday, 19 December 2015

2015 in Review and Tribute

Hello All,

So after an interesting year with so many activities, new ideas and a few completed projects the year has ended on a very sad note.

Someone who has been part of my life since I was in my teens, who I respected and loved, passed away on the 7th December 2015.  The final few weeks leading up to this were very difficult for me and my family, but nothing can compare you for the overwhelming loss you feel.

R.I.P Peter Hartley

So to the review of the year:-

At the beginning of the year iClone 6 had been released at the end of 2014 and part of my work as a beta tester was to produce various images and videos to show the capabilities of the software.  I produced a showcase of this work and released it.

  • In January one of the first things that happened in 2015 was the fact Capemedia UK Ltd was to be frozen due to lack of commercial work.  It wasn't a great time then but in hindsight was a good thing in the end.
  • In March I redesigned the layout in my home studio and upgraded my hardware and software.  This had something I had needed to do for sometime to create more space in my room.

  • April 2015 we hit 500 likes on our Capemedia UK Facebook page.  That number has remained a constant throughout the year and as I type stands at 524.
If you haven't already done so, why not pay a visit and click the Like button.
  • In May Capemedia UK became 10.  Back in 2005 I had the idea to start a production company producing, videos, music, animations etc.  10 years later I was still doing it.
  • In June I released my entry for the Reallusion Game Character Animation Contest, first a WIP progress and then a final video.  Sadly I never completed what I wanted to produce due to time constraints and my day to day job.

The final entry:-

  • August 2015 saw me venture into Vlogs with me making a "Introduction and Welcome" for Capemedia UK.
  • In September 2015 Reallusion released a new addon for iClone called Character Creator and one of the first things I did was created a Bruce Lee model.  I made the choice to do the model with glasses as I couldn't quite get his eyes right.  However you decide.  On the back on this I made a tribute video.

The tribute video:-

There was also two pieces of music written for this project:-

  • Finally in November 2015 I released my final project of 2015.  Again using a model created in Character Creator.  I combined new lighting within iClone to show the difference between night and day.


So that's 2015 in review.  There will be no more projects completed this year and over the next few weeks I will need to spend time with my family as we adjust to our bereavement.

Thank you for reading, watching and supporting Capemedia UK over the last and finally I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

Until 2016.

Signing off Colin Cooper

Monday, 2 November 2015

I missed a month and I liked it.

Hello Everyone,

Well it seems, no matter how I tried I have ended up missing a monthly Blog.  This was not done intentionally, it just happened.

Never mind!


OK so I have managed to release 2 more Vlogs since my last post.

Capemedia's World - Composing Music Ep1 (Vlog4) 

Capemedia's World - Artificial Intelligence (Vlog5) 

I have been trying to do weekly vlogs but when I try and work on my projects it seems this has a delaying effect on getting my vlogs published.



With the new Character Creator plugin for iClone I have been creating some new avatars for my productions.

This outstanding tool allows so much flexibility I've not even scrapped the surface yet with what it can do.

So my next short project called "Light and Day" is based around a new designed character and the new lighting system in iClone.  I may even throw in some Indigo renders as well.

Come back next month to see the finished project.

In the mean time you can keep up to date with everything going on in Capemedia's World,

On Soundcloud

Major update coming for the website in 2016, our 11th year.

Please come back for more on this BLOG.

Thanks for passing by.

Take Care.


Thursday, 1 October 2015

Wake Me Up When September Ends

Hello Everyone,

As you may have noticed I'm publishing this blog update for September on the 1st October...strange...weird!!

I'll explain, during the first 2 thirds of September everything was ticking over nicely.   I had started my new VLOG at the end of August and had managed to keep things going over the first few weeks and released 2 more VLOGs


Things got a little time stretched when I wanted to release "Be Water" my tribute to Bruce Lee.  I had created the character in the newly released Character Creator from Reallusion in early September and I got stuck into writing the music and creating the film. 

Sadly my day time work came into play and arrangements for my son's 18th Birthday party delayed things and I finally released the video on the 29th September.

You can now watch this film tribute here:

Please let me know what you think in the comments on here, YouTube or Facebook.

The music from the film "Be Water" is now available to listen on Sound-cloud


So onwards into October:

I will continue my video VLOGs, I have some new ideas and hopefully something people will enjoy watching.  I will be writing new music and thinking up new creative ideas.

Please come back for more on this BLOG, follow me on Facebook, YouTube, Sound-cloud to keep up to date with everything Capemedia

Thanks for passing by.

Take Care.


Friday, 28 August 2015

Running through the Vlog

Hello Everyone,

Recently most of my spare time has been dedicated to a personal challenge to complete my first half marathon.  I have been a steady 10K runner for the past few years but moving to this new distance has really pushed me.

Adapting and taking on the extra training was very demanding on me.  My runs now were running over 2 hours and it began to tell on my body.  Fortunately I found a good sports phsio who helped me and prepared me for the event.

Sunday 23rd August 2015 I travelled to Rochdale in the UK, to attempt this new distance.  The race started at 9:20am and as I stood there with over 500 other runners I was preoccupied with my watch trying to reset the stop watch.  I looked up to sounds of the announcer starting the race and I just had enough time to get near one of the pace makers.

The race was a 2 lap route, the run out steadily got higher and there was lots of hills to climb.  At this stage the field was still thick with runners and you felt part of something.  On the final stretch of the first part I noticed a lot of 10K runners who had started 10 minutes before us.  I actual felt I was doing good for time but the half marathon turn point was further up the hill then the 10K one.

As I returned to the start I ended up with a bunch of other runners and got chatting.  At this stage I could still talk as I wasn't even a half way yet.  Around the 6 mile mark I took an energy gel for a boost, this did help me run past all the cheering people with a good pace.  The first lap was done.

On the second lap running back to the turning point I could feel things were beginning to get harder.  The field now was spreading out and on the other side of the road were the last 10K runners.  I was lucky on the final accent as I had friends cheering me on which really did help but in the warm day I needed water.  We got this at the turning point and pretty much grabbed two bottles and drank a full bottle in one.  I was knackered but had 3 miles to go.

On the way up I had passed the 2 and Half hour pace maker so felt that I was doing great.  But now the heat was pressing home, the body was tired and the legs getting stiff.  As I approached the last mile and half I had nothing and could hear the pace maker shouting support but getting nearer.

Eventually I was past and I could see the town hall where the finish line was in the distance.  Total will pushed me forward, the streets were empty of runners and only spectators and pedestrians remained.  I felt like I was crawling slower then a snail in honey when the last 400 meters came into view and I pushed as hard as my now non-working legs would go.  
Crossing the line was bliss but I nearly fainted and needed water and a banana.

My time 2 hours and 30 minutes, I was ecstatic and over the moon.


The Reallusion Character Animation Competition closed and my video was not placed.  I was funnily enough added to a couple of playlist on YouTube, so that was good.

I have received some great comments and support for what I tried to do so that in itself was good enough for me.


Also for I have released my first Vlog.

That's all for now.

Please leave your comments on my Vlog or on this Blog.

Thanks for visiting

Colin (aka Capemedia)    

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Something old, something new, something batman, I made it through.

Hello Everyone,

So another month has flown by but this time I actually managed to get something completed and submitted my entry to the Reallusion competition.  I'm over the moon to have managed this, as generally I epically fail :)

I have to say some of the entries have been superb and I've been truly amazed by the level of quality that has been presented by the other participants.  I'm really pleased that I have been part of this journey and if I win or not, it's irrelevant because I have learned and been impressed by my fellow iCloners.

You can watch my entry here:-

I have a number of projects on the go at any one time and this United Alliance universe I'm creating is giving me so many ideas.

Here are a few WIP images:-

Just wish me luck that I can get more finished this year.

My other project I'm working on is my 2015 year in seconds.  So I record the highlights of every day, be that only the weather, a post on Facebook or an event like getting a new car.  I then need to compile all 365 days into a complete video, so people can watch my year.  Very interesting concept and idea, which I'm working through.


I'm also toying with the idea of a Video Blog.  Where I film myself discussing various aspects of Capemedia UK and things that interest me, like films, trailers, music, instruments and upload to YouTube.  I'm hoping to do these a couple of times a month but will do one for August and see what the reaction is like.

Well that's all for now.

Thanks for visiting

Colin (aka Capemedia)

Friday, 26 June 2015

Summer time blues

Hello All,

So it's not been a great month since my last blog update due to a few sad things happening in my personal life.  Regardless of how professional or motivated I am, family is my centre and when there times of loss and sadness I am effected.

Due to this, I have made a little progress on Capemedia and nothing fundamental, I suppose my mojo has been impacted.

Very soon after the last blog update I did release a work in progress video, which I will share again here.

This very short video shows the styles and slight camera movement I'm going to use when treating the iClone footage.

As with all my projects they always become larger then I can complete within the time frames I am given.  I cannot stop myself overdoing things, making scripts longer, making scenes more complicated and generally trying to reach a level I am unable to.

Maybe there is a lesson there?

For the competition I possible will only release part of this 9 page script.  I'm currently bogged down trying to get one scene done and the amount of extra animation required is delaying things.  My standards are far too high.

So hopefully I'll get something finished, even if it's not the completed project.

Well that's all for now.

Thanks for visiting

Colin (aka Capemedia)

Monday, 25 May 2015

10 years of Capemedia UK and Batman

Hello All,


So after the passing of 10 years of Capemedia UK, was there a huge party, large celebration and media frenzy?  Well that would be a big "No"!

Sadly around the time we turned 10, we had a few personal issues which took the focus off Capemedia UK and over to family.

However to acknowledge the passing of our 10 year's birthday, here's a cake.



Remember this is the page to use if you want to find out regularly what's going on the in the Capemedia world.  Over the months I will post things that interest and inspire me in the world of film, animation and music.

Facebook Link

As I said last month I've started making music again, but nothing that is ready for release yet.  

Also "United Alliance" has taken a different direction due to Reallusions Game Character Animation Contest

Part of criteria for entering this competition is that we provide updates on the Polycount website

My direct Work in Progress (WIP) thread is here LINK 

Here are couple of images so far in my WIP thread.

An exclusive to this blog is the Poster for this project called "Batman - The Last Laugh"

This is taking place in the United Alliance universe and will fit into the overall theme of that project.  So I can use this again :)

Thanks for viewing


Monday, 27 April 2015

April Showers with a Silver Lining

Hello All again,


Since my last blog entry quite a lot of things have been going on both in the Capemedia and my personal world.

Last time out I was working on changing my studio around, getting new equipment and hoping to get some inspiration.  I'm glad to report that I have managed to meet each of these and I'm looking upwards towards a better future now.

Not to dwell on the past but the concept of "Capemedia Productions" is actually 10 years old this May.  Funny it's the same as my birth month and I felt after all this time I might give away, why I named my production company "Capemedia".  

Well the letters for Cape are derived from my family and me.

So to explain:-

C = Catherine my daughter
A = Anthony my son
P = Paula my wife
E = was my best effort of including myself by dropping the "m".

And Capemedia Productions was born and Capemedia Limited is the company name.


Another great thing that happened during April was that the number of "Likes" on my Facebook Page went up by 95.  Which means we have 520 people following our page which is wonderful and I'd like to thank every single one of them.

This is the page to use if you want to find out regularly what's going on the in the Capemedia world.  Over the months I will post things that interest and inspire me in the world of film, animation and music.


I'm back making music again and I have to say it's fantastic to be tickling the ivory's again.  I have to say for music I need something that stirs inside me and gives me the passion for it.  Well totally by chance I stumbled across "Sorrento Moon" by Tina Arena which has blown my mind and I can't stop listening to it.  Some songs grab your very essence and in this case I needed to understand everything, the lyrics, the chord progressing, the production, everything!  I love it!

So I'm working on a cover of this song which I hope my amazing daughter will sing.

On other music fronts, I've started the second pack for Score Variations.  This will also be featured on my next animation short film to give it more impact.

So the next animation short film?

I decided to list all the outstanding projects to see what I had been working on over the last few years and what could be completed.  There are 9 projects all at different stages and I've decided to get "United Alliance" completed first (Yes I know it's been around for about 2 years)

So celebrate the fact I've picked something, I've gone back into iClone 6 and modified and improved two of the main characters from this short.

Wonder Woman

Ms Marvel

This short will test my production abilities, in animation, physics, special effects, post production, composition and music.

No easy task :) LOL

Until next time.  Remember, how it all came true, it was oh so tender, and I was lost with you, by the sweet Sorrento Moon.

Thanks for viewing


Sunday, 22 March 2015

Out of the Ashes

Hello Everyone,

So the deed has been done and Capemedia UK Limited is now a dormant company.  A very sad time and something that was the best decision to make considering everything that has gone on over the last 12 months.

However, we can revive the company at any time and I can continue to try to get things flowing again.  It's not the end, just another phase in Capemedia's evolution.  Everybody suffers set backs, every company does but it's what you do next which is important.

So to mark the occasion and celebrate 10 years of Capemedia UK, I have started a re-fit of my studio.  Making a better working environment, giving myself more space and buying new hardware to help.

Here are a couple of images from the last week.

Still at the transferring stage of everything from my old media PC to the old Studio PC.  Then once I get the NEW Studio PC up and running, will need to transfer all the software over.

So been at this a week now and hopefully will be complete by Easter.

Thanks for visiting

Colin (aka Capemedia)

Sunday, 22 February 2015

A Birthday with no cards and candles

Hello All,

This weekend is Capemedia UK Limited's 2nd birthday but there is no party, no cards, no celebration.  This weekend will just pass unannounced.

This I know sounds very sad but as I mention in my last post, we are in process of closing down the limited business.

But it's not all doom and gloom...


Over the last month and the next few weeks I have to dedicate my life to my day time job.  Where after two years of work my project is coming to an end and I need to be there to deliver it to it's conclusion.

So what has that got to do with Capemedia....well nothing.  Except I'm Capemedia and there is only me.  If I'm working away, I'm away from my studio and no work can be created.

So February and March 2015 will be a period of down time and reflection.  A time to think about Capemedia, where we have been, what we have achieved and more importantly what the future holds.

Being a creative individual my mind is constantly thinking up new ideas, new concepts, new stories and it's hard sometimes to manage it all.  But some ideas keep coming back to the fore and these will be the seeds of any future plans.

In May this year '2015', the concept of Capemedia Productions will be 10 years old.  The idea to have a name to put my music, my films and animations under has remained and it's something I see no reason not to continue with.

However I'm toying with maybe having subsets titles under the main name, like:-

  • Capemedia Animation Studios
  • Capemedia Music
  • Capemedia Film
  • Capemedia Design

These are only in there infancy in regards to ideas but it's something that is beginning to appeal to me.  Maybe I could get other people to assist or help in these areas and this mean I'm more like my day time job as a 'Project Manager'?

 So in closing I think a quote is needed.

"Fall seven times, stand up eight."
Japanese Proverb

 Oh and a cake......

Thanks for visiting


Monday, 26 January 2015

Cross Roads

Hello All,

2013 was an amazing year for Capemedia UK Limited, we became a limited company, we had plenty of clients and we were becoming successful.  Over the last 6 months though, I have been trying very hard to keep this dream alive, but it may have to come to an end.  Unfortunately at the start 2014 my contracts began to end and try as I might I couldn't get enough clients in to maintain the company.

The decision to freeze the limited company has not been an easy one, but unless something amazing happens in the next couple of weeks then that is what will happen.  Fortunately we can still afford to monitor the situation and even though the company is frozen it's better then closing it down completely.  However by 2016, if things do not improve then we will be left with no other choice but to cease trading.

We are still open, but just about...